Artischocken Elixier mit Verpackung
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier- angerichtet mit Muscheln und den stilvollen Degustationsgläser
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier in großer Flasche
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier 6 Minis
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier- angerichtet im Glas
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier- angerichtet mit Käse und Brot
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier- angerichtet im Glas
Dr Jaglas Artischocken Elixier als Geschenk
Dr. Jaglas Artischocken Elixier perfekt zu Muscheln
Artichoke Elixir
Artichoke Elixir
Vorteilsset mit drei Elixiersorten für nur 119,95€
Artichoke Elixir
Artichoke Elixir

Artichoke Elixir

Herbal bitter 35%vol, 0.5l

• Medieval monastery pharmacy recipe with over 30 bitter herbs, roots and blossoms
• bittersweeter digestif with a long finish (neat or with ice cubes)
• without caramel color, coloring and preservatives

ab Sale price39,95 €
133,17 € /l
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout
→ 2-3 Tage Lieferzeit (Express möglich)
→ Versandkostenfrei ab 100 €
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Bittersweet Symphony for your 9,000 taste buds.

Siegel Geschenk


  • Spicy development of bitter herbs paired with restrained sweetness on the palate

  • Long lasting finish

  • Natural amber coloring

The artichoke schnapps is made with carefully selected bitter herbs , roots and flowers.

Ingredients include gentian, centaury, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, citron root, cinchona bark, bitter orange peel, juniper, camphor, lavender, cinnamon bark, citronella, valerian, angelica root, cloves, galangal rhizome and a touch of saffron.


The Jagla family of pharmacists has been using an old monastery recipe for many decades. They rely on traditional herbalism and old pharmacopoeia knowledge.

Their goal is to produce herbal bitters with an alcohol content of 35% vol. The Jaglas use carefully selected bitter herbs, fine spices and essential oils. The core of the bitter elixirs is still prepared by hand today.


Dr. Jaglas bitter elixirs are enjoyed neat (2 cl) or with ice cubes.

The characteristic nuances of the certified herbs can develop their scents and essential oils at the finest level. The rolling, the slow wetting of the palate and taste buds - like a wine tasting - allows you to immerse yourself in a new taste experience.

The particularly balanced finish rounds off the artichoke elixir .

Signature drink artichoke ale

  • 40 ml artichoke elixir
  • 160 ml ginger ale or tonic water
  • Tumbler, ice cubes, lime

Food pairing

Swabian cream cheese, oysters, steak, espresso

The artichoke schnapps harmonizes perfectly with a variety of food combinations.

Swabian cream cheese offers a creamy texture and mild flavors that provide a balanced contrast to the hearty schnapps .

Oysters bring a salty freshness that complements the complexity of the liquor and adds a refreshing note.

A juicy steak with its robust aroma goes wonderfully with the strong and spicy note of the artichoke schnapps, and this creates a harmonious taste experience.

Finally, a strong espresso rounds off the flavor profile by complementing the bitter-sweet nuances of the liquor and offering a full-bodied finish.

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Artischocke (Cynara Scolymus)
Unsere regionalen Artischockenblätter zählen zum Bittergemüse. Ihre
Blätter besitzen eine dezente Süße und sind reich an Bitterstoffen,
weshalb sie besonders nach dem Essen sehr geschätzt werden. 2013
wurde die Artischocke zur Arzneipflanze des Jahres gewählt.

Illustration Enzianwurzel

Radix Gentianae

Illustration Tausendgueldenkraut

Herba Centaurii


Cortex Aurantii Fructus Amarum


Rhizoma Zedoariae

Illustration Ingwerwurzelstock

Rhizoma Zingiberis

Illustration CHINARINDE

Cortex Chinae

Illustration Kardamomfrüchte

Fructus Cardamomi

Illustration Galgantwurzelstock

Rhizoma Galangae

Illustration Zimtrinde

Cortex Cinnamomi

Illustration Gewürznelken

Flores Caryophylli

Illustration Wacholderbeere

Juniperi Fructus

Illustration Campher

Cinnamomum Camphora

Illustration Lavendelblüten

Lavandulae Flos

Illustration Baldrianwurzel

Valerianae Radix

Illustration Citronellagras

Cymbopogon Nardus

Illustration Angelikawurzel

Angelicae Radix

Illustration Muskatnuss

Myristica Fragrans

Illustration Safran

Crocus Sativus

Illustration Artischocke

Cynarae Folium

Illustration Ginsengwurzel

Ginseng Radix

„Die Kostprobe war ein wirklicher Genuss. So gut, dass ich überlege, ob ich so etwas Sinnliches und Köstliches nicht auch selber Zuhause haben möchte. Und das als absoluter Gelegenheitstrinker. Bin absolut begeistert.“

Richard C.